GDC 08: Molyneux revolutionizes AI a billion times over: Will also fight a bear

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Peter Molyneux, the man behind Black & White and Fable, is up to his old tricks again, claiming that his studio is on the cusp of revolutionizing AI in games, and that a new game from the Black & White team will be announced soon.

Molyneux, who is his own biggest fanboy, was supposed to be talking about Fable 2, but couldn’t stop himself bigging up this new mystery game from Lionhead Studios. As is typically Peter’s way, he has sprayed the new title with heaps of hype-cream from his excitement-nozzle before we even know its name.

“In the six years since Black & White, [the developers] have been working improving the great things that underpinned that game, and now they are getting pretty close to something that is very significant. It’s a very big thing. A new franchise and as close to something revolutionary as I have ever seen. And we’re close to announcing it.

If you think back to the one thing about Black & White that was most fascinating, you’d have to say it was that creature that learned behavior and seemed, for a certain glimpse, to be alive. Imagine if you could take that and multiply it by a billion…”

Oh Peter, why have you got to keep doing this? It was this kind of undue expectation that made Fable such a crushing disappointment for me. I’m all for a man being excited about his projects, but come on. Times a billion? A billion? I hope he knows just how big that number is, because it’s the exact number of Artificial Intelligences that I want this new game to have. 

[Via NeoGAF]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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