Gaming movie nostalgia: “The Wizard”

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Back in 1989, a few years after the U.S. release of the Nintendo Entertainment System, “The Wizard” hit the silver screen throughout the nation. I’m sure that some of you already have seen the flick and know everything there is to know about it, but apparently some of us lived under a rock and completely overlooked this film during our childhood… I was one of those people. A buddy of mine from work talked about this movie and about how it was his favorite when he was a kid. He brought in the DVD to work on Sunday and let me borrow it for a few nights so I could see it, too. Hit the jump for some videos of the movie and ever-engrossing plot.The basic plotline of the story is that a young, mentally-challenged boy by the name of Jimmy runs away with his older brother Corey on a journey to California to escape Jimmy’s fate of being thrown into a mental home for eternity. Along their way, they meet up with Haley, daughter of a showgirl and a trucker who gets owned by Jimmy in Double Dragon. After this, they find out that Jimmy is a wizard at Nintendo games, and they decide to enter in a championship in Los Angeles known as “Video Armageddon.” During this time, the boys are being pursued by a missing child detective who is the biggest douche since Jefferson on “Married… With Children.”Overall, the movie is a must-watch for anyone who grew up playing the NES, or has a great enjoyment for retro gaming in general. There are only a handful of parts that actually show the games being played in the movie, but all of them will be sure to take you back to your early years when Nintendo ruled the world.Trivia: Tobey Maguire of Playstation 3 logo Spiderman fame makes a cameo — look for him in the clip above.The best part of the movie by far — the cheesy power glove sceneAw, the awkward kissAnd finally, The Joust!

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