Games of the week for 12/30/07: Screw Call of Duty 4 on Veteran edition

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Seriously, who was the crackhead who decided that Veteran mode was even remotely fun to play? It’s not even worth completing the levels for 40 gamerpoints a pop. In fact, I’d rather cut out my own eyes and shove them up my arse, that is what I’d rather do. You see what I did there? I stated that I’d rather do something very painful and very unpleasant and OH FOR GOD’S SAKE MICROSOFT GIVE US XBOX LIVE BACK SO I DON’T HAVE TO KEEP PLAYING IT!

Calm breaths …

So I don’t know about you guys, but I still can’t get into an online match to save my mother’s life (which might be a good thing, as I don’t care if that old whore dies) and it’s starting to drive me a little bit crazy with boredom. I really don’t want to go back to my old hobby, since they jail me if I net one more restraining order. 

Games! We played games this week, some of us. What ones did you play? Hit the jump to find out the ones we played. That’s how our little system works.

Nick Chester: Warhawk, Call of Duty 4 (360), Rock Band, and Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters on the PSP. Sorry, nothing exciting this week.

Topher Cantler: I started playing Rival Schools II earlier in the week, but then I decided to pick up this really old game I used to play called “Draw Something for Yourself: Not Someone Else Edition.” It’s really f*cking good. It was all covered in dust when I found it, but it still works.

BlindsideDork: I am trying to trade off between The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Zach & Wiki, and Team Fortress 2. I got Condemned, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Super Mario Galaxy waiting for me, I need more time!

TheGoldenDonut: I’ve been alternating between Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, both of which I got for Christmas.

Dick McVengeance: Picked up Mr. Gay finally, and so I’m hoping this’ll complete my holiday cheer. Otherwise, it’s time to start digging through my retro pile, and play through some N64 titles like Goemon and Zelda 64.

Jim Sterling: I wasn’t playing Halo 3, that’s for damn sure, since everybody who sells it at a reasonable price has now sold out. I was playing Call of Duty 4 online before Xbox Live wigged out, and very little else. Why does 2007 have to end on such a dull note? 

Jonathan Holmes: Played through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the PSP. It’s so much better than I remembered it, and I remembered it being pretty awesome. I also finally got to Guitar Hero III. To be honest, I’m a little underwhelmed by the title. I think I’m ready for the whole “karaoke with instruments” game fad to end. And I picked up Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games on sale at Target. It’s surprisingly fun in short bursts.

But mostly I’ve been playing Extra Mario Bros. That’s my Game of the Year, even though it’s not a retail game, and it was made a year ago.

[Shameless Plug]Check my blog for more info on the game![/Shameless Plug]

Gameboi: It’s been another one of those very busy weeks, but I did manage to sqeeze in a few minutes of Zack and Wiki before I went to be last night.

Joe Burling: I snatched up some of the new Rock Band DLC which was a big hit with so many friends in from out of town. I checked out the Burnout Paradise demo and the game quickly jumped to the top of my must-have list. Other than that, I’ve been playing COD4 multiplayer. Once the holidays are over I’ll have more of a chance to play.

Grim: I picked up Gun, Condemned: Criminal Origins, and Eternal Sonata for relatively cheap this week and have been playing all 3 pretty much nonstop.

Chad Concelmo: After being addicted to the vastly underrated Battalion Wars II I decided to ring in the New Year 2001 style by playing through (for the umpteenth time) Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64.

Faith: Wait … I actually get to play games, not just sell them. I knew they were used for something else.

We’ve been playing Cooking Mama 2 on my Nintendo DS during the few moments I’m not working, running errands, spending time with family or falling asleep on the couch.

I’ve also managed a couple of hours with Puzzle Quest on XBLA and some time with My Sims on the Nintendo Wii.

Aaron Linde: I’m too light on time to play, too broke to buy. Funny how that works out, isn’t it?

In those few minutes I steal away from work, I’ve been drilling through the extra dungeon in Final Fantasy VI Advance , which has been quite a trip. Ungodly difficult, particularly with the later bosses — to think, FFVI is difficult again. Up is down, black is white, dogs and cats living together, et cetera. The only real drag is that there’s a decidedly limited (which is to say: none at all) amount of original scenario in the new dungeons, unlike Final Fantasy IV Advance, where each character had a trial that included unique text and scenario. At least they’re adding like a hojillion new events in IV DS, yeah?

Oh, and in my heart, I’m secretly lusting after a second playthrough of Dragon Quest VII, though that’s a time-sucking vortex I don’t dare touch until my current stock of work is through.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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