Game SERIES Debate to the Death: Final Fantasy

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The previous game debate let the readers pick their favorite game of 2009, and the results are in! With over a hundred votes cast for 40 different games, one game in particular rose way to the top. Before long it became a battle for second place, with one title barely beating out the others! Here is the Dtoid Army 2009 Game of the Year:

  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (25 votes) — Winner!!!
  • Borderlands (12 votes) — Silver Medal!!
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum (11 votes) — Bronze Medal!
  • Dragon Age: Origins — (10 votes)
  • Demon’s Souls — (7 votes)
  • Left 4 Dead 2 — (5 votes)
  • Street Fighter 4 — (4 votes)

Now that 2009’s over and done, let’s get back to business. You didn’t think I’d let the game series debates come to a close before giving the Final Fantasy series some spotlight, did you? Of course not! This week is all about that wonderful RPG series that Square Enix has kept alive for decades of delight. With Final Fantasy XIII‘s release only two months away, it’s time to look back and discuss what game was the highlight of the entire series so far.

This week, instead of voting for just one game, please rank all the Final Fantasy games you’ve played from best to worst. You may not vote for Final Fantasy XIII, but you may vote for any of the Final Fantasy remakes or spinoff games as long as they have Final Fantasy in their title.

After you rank them all, feel free to tell us why you ordered them that way, and answer any of the bonus questions after the jump that you feel strongly about.


BQ1: What was the first Final Fantasy game you ever played? How long ago was this, and have you replayed it since then? Has it gotten better or worse after all this time?

BQ2: How many times have you played or replayed your favorite Final Fantasy game? What makes you replay it so much?

BQ3: Which game out of the entire series has your favorite music? Care to link us to some of those songs?

BQ4: Which game out of the entire series has your favorite cinemas? Care to link us to some of those videos?

BQ5: Which game out of the entire series has your favorite characters? Why did you connect so much with them?

BQ6: Which game out of the entire series has your least favorite characters? Why did you dislike them so much?

BQ7: Which game out of the entire series has your favorite battles or overall favorite battle system? Why? Do you have a favorite weapon, attack or summon out of the entire series? Be specific!

BQ8: Name one thing you didn’t like, or wish was improved, in the game you voted as your favorite this week.

BQ9: What are your expectations of Final Fantasy XIII?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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