Game of the year Elebits delayed

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My favorite game in the whole wide world, Elebits for the Wii, has been smacked down with the delay stick. Despite previously promised as a launch day title by Konami, it seems that the quality of this stellar title didn’t quite live up to Master Nintendo’s expectations:

According to a spokesperson for the company, the title will now ship during either the week of December 12 or December 18 depending on whether or not Nintendo approves its latest build submission. The title is more or less complete, but it cannot go into manufacturing until it is evaluated and approved by the ever-watchful quality detectives at Nintendo of America.

What a good move by Nintendo. It looks like I wasn’t the only one who saw that the game was completely flawed. I can only hope that this delay will mean Konami will be forced to make Elebits actually playable. Good work Nintendo, keep them third-party devs in line!

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Robert Summa
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