Zen distilled stories
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Last week we took a break from the usual poetic news recaps to highlight our favorite games from PAX East, but now we are back in the swing of things. You can check out all of the past episodes on the Game News Haikus YouTube playlist.
In this series, we take a look at the stories that gathered the most attention of the past week, and distill each one down to its essence. Here are the topics that the surly D. Takeshi Nakamura takes on this week:
- New Banjo-Kazooie shown at SXSW
- Cancelled Kingdom Hearts concept art with Frozen, Wreck-It Ralph, Star Wars
- Uh, ew: Ermac’s Mortal Kombat Fatality is disgusting and visceral
- Review: Battlefield Hardline
- Nintendo teases new ‘NX’ hardware
- Oh, hey, Final Fantasy XV has summons and HOLY SHIT
- CCP’s found the best use for Xbox One’s Kinect so far
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Published: Mar 23, 2015 09:00 am