Game Debate to the Death! Only Wii or PS3 or Xbox 360?!

If you could have only used one?

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First, a reminder that the debate format has changed to a PollDaddy voting system, followed by a massive thank you for making the previous poll not only the largest Game Debate of all time, but also one of the most involved polls (6,800+ votes!) we’ve ever had in Destructoid’s history! Here are the results for “What if you could only ever use one E3 next generation console?”:

  • (77.24%) PS4: 5,294 votes — winner!
  • (16.49%) Wii U: 1,129 votes
  • (06.17%) Xbox One: 422 votes

Ouch. Moving on, this week we have the same pick-one-dilemma for you, but for the current console era that’s starting to come to an end. Fully knowing all the great times you’ve had over the years with the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, if you had to go back and do it all over again but could only ever use one of them, which would it be, and why? Keep reading and scroll down to make your official PollDaddy vote!

Which console would you choose if you could only have used one of them ever?

Share the reason(s) for your choice in the comments below. Check back on the following Tuesday night for the winner and a new debate!

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
More Stories by Tom Fronczak