Game Debate to the Death! Favorite Tomb Raider game?

Conan O’Brien is banned from voting!

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In the previous debate we gave the SimCity hate a rest and instead focused on which game developer was the most loyal to their fans. More than a hundred people joined in on the debate and dozens of teams received much deserved praise. In the end, here are the developers that stood above the rest in votes:

  • Valve: 31 votes — Winner!
  • Atlus: 24 votes
  • Nintendo: 22 votes
  • CD Projekt RED: 20 votes

Now that everyone has had a month to experience the new installment to the Tomb Raider series that has spanned over fifteen years, I want to hear which of those games is your favorite. You could easily argue that the newer games are “better” in controls and many other variables, so let’s instead focus on which is your “favorite.” Was it the story, the events, the dialogue, the emotions, the soundtrack, or something else? What made it the most memorable to you, and why? What gaming moment will you never forget?! Cast your vote and check back next week for the winner and a new debate!

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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