Friday Night Fights: WWCD

Game with the Dtoid community

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Happy Friday Everyone!

I was having a pretty tough time thinking of something to write this week, there’s so much going on in gaming right now. E3 is right around the corner, sales are peaking and then slumping, hardware isn’t selling as much as companies expected, there’s always some drama going on, someone hates this and someone hates that. It can be and often is frustrating at times.

I try to be as positive as I can though, if I told you that it was easy, I’d be lying, but I do try. Hell, years ago I would have been right in the trenches with everyone else, arguing my point until I was blue in the face, nowadays though, I just kinda roll with the punches. I try not to get too involved in all of the back and forth conversations, I may pop in and give my opinion, I may even stick around for a couple of comments afterwards, sometimes, anyway.

You know how I get through it all? I ask myself, “What Would Chad Do?” Obviously, I’m talking about the one and only, Chad Concelmo, basically one of the greatest people to ever live and grace the front page of Destructoid. Chad’s glowing personality and always positive demeanor is missed around these parts, especially by me. I miss waking up, turning on my PC and finding a new Chad article waiting.

I think that’s it, I think I figured it out. It’s closing in on E3 time here at Destructoid and I know there are no Chad article’s waiting for me. I guess I’m just a bit sad by it all.

I definitely think we should all be a bit more like Chad though, no wait, let me correct that, we definitely need to be more like Chad.

Chad Concelmo, wherever you are, thank you. Thank you for being awesome and thank you for showing me how much better being positive is.

And on that note…..let’s get to the games!

Friday Night Fights

New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!

The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members sign up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, and I recap it all here on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.

To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!

360 FNF

Tonight’s Games:

    • When your world is full of strange arrangements
      Host: And gravity won’t pull you through, you know you’re missing out on something
      Time: Well that something depends on you 

                  Check out the Xbox FNF blog for more info!

                  Playstation FNF

                  Tonight’s Games:

                  • BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (PS3) 
                    Host: Clockwork-Zombie (PSN: Clockwork-Zombie)
                    Time 4:30 Pacific | 7:30  Eastern
                  • GTA:IV (PS3) 
                    Host: Blues Man (PSN: Nanashi707)
                    Time 5 Pacific | 8  Eastern
                  • Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (PS3) 
                    Host: Epic-Kx (PSN: UncannySilk)
                    Time 5 Pacific | 8  Eastern
                  • Mercenary Kings (PS4)
                    Host: KymikoLoco (PSN: KymikoLoco)
                    Time 5:30 Pacific | 8:30 Eastern
                  • The Last of Us (PS3)
                    Host: Francis Farterburger (PSN: CornflakeJustice)
                    Time 6 Pacific | 9 Eastern
                  • Battlefield 4 (PS4)
                    Host: The Defenestrator (PSN: The Defenestrator)
                    Time 7 Pacific | 10 Eastern 
                  • Warframe (PS4)
                    Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
                    Time 9 Pacific | 12 AM Eastern

                                  Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                  PS3 FNF

                                  Tonight’s Games:

                                  • Soul Sacrifice Delta
                                    Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
                                    Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern

                                  Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                  Wii U FNF

                                  Tonight’s Games:

                                  • Mario Kart Wii
                                    Host: Smurfee Mcgee (Friend Code: 3995-6687-9850)
                                    Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern
                                    * Destructoid 150cc – Community Code: 22-4755-7110-5555 (150cc, all items) 

                                  Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                  3DS FNF

                                  Tonight’s Games:

                                  • When Smokey sings, I hear violins, when Smokey sings, I forget everything
                                    Host: As she’s packing her things, as she’s spreading her wings, the front door might slam
                                    Time: But the back door it rings, and Smokey sings, he sings

                                    Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                    PC FNF

                                    Tonight’s Games:

                                      • Team Fortress 2 (early game)
                                        Time: 5 Pacific | 8 Eastern
                                      • Battleblock Theater (or Awesomenauts)
                                        Host: JT Murphy (Steam: jticefire)
                                        Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern(ish)
                                        The FNF will be live streamed here!
                                        Facebook event page here
                                      • Team Fortress 2 (Late game)
                                        Time: 9 Pacific | 12 am Eastern

                                              Check out the PC FNF blog for more info!

                                              Weekend Warriors

                                              Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something for Weekend Warriors?! It’s like Friday Night Fights all weekend long! Sign up in the comments or Forum thread if you’re interested!


                                              • Mario Golf 3DS
                                                Host: Bill Platt (Tournament Info: 17-0724-9513-0509)
                                                Time: Tournament starts today and runs through Sunday – 11:59 PM EST
                                                *No DLC required – Stroke play – Low Wind – High Scores Expected 


                                              • The message is perfectly simple, the meaning is clear
                                                Host: Don’t ever stray too far
                                                Time: And don’t disappear, no don’t disappear

                                              Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!


                                              About The Author
                                              More Stories by ChillyBilly