Friday Night Fights: Hype Edition

Friday Night Fights

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Well, this is it folks. We are one week away from the launch of one of the most anticipated consoles, the Nintendo Switch. I personally can’t wait for next week to finally get one. I will be going out to my local Best Buy Thursday night to grab my system when midnight rolls around. While I’m sure there are a lot of you are tired of hearing about the Switch; I couldn’t be more excited.

I personally haven’t owned a home Nintendo console since the N64. To finally be grabbing one after all these years – it is also my first day-one console – feels like coming home. I do own a 3DS XL that I have enjoyed all these years, but the Wii and Wii U never really enticed me. I watched from afar as Mario Kart 8Hyrule WarriorsSplatoon, and Super Smash Bros. 4 all released on the Wii U. Thankfully I could get my Smash fix on the 3DS, but I never had a chance to play Splatoon. I played Mario Kart 8 once at a friend’s house and fell in love with it. I just never got around to muster up the excitement, or money, to pick a Wii U up.

However, it seems that my patience has paid off! I was lucky enough to grab a Switch for myself. Now I will get to experience Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in all its glory when it releases next month. I will finally get a chance to try out the new favorite IP from Nintendo when Splatoon 2 launches later this summer. Finally, I haven’t been this excited for a Zelda game since Majora’s Mask. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks like a game I can get lost in for days. Plus, how can I say no to a physical copy of Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ that I can take with me wherever I go? I just wish it wasn’t pushed back two weeks at the last minute. 

All I know is that the next week is going to be a long wait. 


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Overwatch (PC)
Time: 22:00 Central European time
Host: ShadeOfLight ShadeOfLight#2402

Hopefully we can host some Nintendo multiplayer in the foreseeable future!


Overwatch (PC)
Time: On-and-off over the course of Sunday
Host: ShadeOfLight ShadeOfLight#2402


About The Author
Mike Martin
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