Friday Night Fights – Do it for her

Game with the Dtoid Emilia community

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Nobody ever said life was easy. Mike is busy, Pixie is busy, and Occams is currently away in another dimension (I assume). Seeing as how I finished packing to go to my in-laws’ place today, I could spare a moment to get FNF up. It’s too bad Mike probably won’t be able to join us though due to said circumstances taking him away from FNF, because he just got Monster Hunter Generations too. I even advised him on how to fight Amatsu because nobody online really knows how to hunt Amatsu.

In these uncertain times of difficulty with life and questionable American elections, it’s important to think of what gets you through the day. Like Rem, who is clearly best girl. I mean, it’s a fact at this point. She ran away with a victory in character polls at nearly 49%. I refuse to acknowledge any other contenders. Just play games with the community with knowledge that Rem is best girl.

New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself! Need some friends? Check out the Dtoid master gaming contact list! Give Robo Panda Z props for all the hard work put into it, as well!

The planning for FNF used to start in the forums, where community members signed up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Now, every Monday, posts go up in the community blogs where you sign up and it’s all kept up thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers. I then recap it all here on Friday, on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.

To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Barasu
    Host: Mr Andy Dixon (GT: Mr Andy Dixon)
    Time: 8pm PST | 11pm EST

Check the XBOX FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

  • I Love Emilia 
    Host: Nanashi (PSN: nanashi707)
    Time: ?pm PST | ?am EST

      Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

      Tonight’s Games:

      • Self-Proclaimed Knight, Nekro
        Host: Nekro (PSN: NekroDungeon)
        Time: 3pm PST | 6pm EST

      Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

      Tonight’s Games:

      • Fanatical Like A Dtoider
        Host: ShadeofLight (NID: ShadeofLight)
        Time: 12pm PST | 3pm EST

      Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

      Tonight’s Games:

      • I Can Return By Death
        Host: Smurfee McGee (NID: 4828-3774-2570)
        Time: 7pm PST | 10pm EST

      Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

      Tonight’s Games:

      • Team Fortress 2 (Early Game)
        Time: 5pm PST | 8pm EST
      • Team Fortress 2 (Late Game)
        Time 9pm PST | 12am EST

      Check out the PC FNF Blog for more info!

      Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something for Weekend Warriors?! It’s like Friday Night Fights all weekend long! Sign up in the comments or Forum thread if you’re interested!


      • Sign up to host below!


      • Sign up to host below!

      Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!

      Want your channel featured here? Sign up in the Monday blog! 

      • Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat (Every week)Games (PS4)
        Host: GrumpyDad813 (Youtube, NOT TWITCH)
        Time: 4pm PST | 7pm EST (Mon – Wed) – Fri: 7pm PST | 10pm EST – Sat: 6pm PST | 9pm EST
      • I think Thursday & Saturday I’ll do streams if ya’ll wanna join those.
      • Remember folks, hosts with a * by their name are streaming! Click the game title for the link
      About The Author
      Marcel Hoang
      Local contributor responsible for duties such as engagement, power bombs, cblog promotions, community engagement, and memes. I like fighting games, you scrub.
      More Stories by Marcel Hoang