Forums, we have them: March Edition

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[Forums, we have them, is a monthly series where we look at all the going-ons in the Destructoid Forums.]

Welcome to the March edition of Forums, we have them. This month isn’t going to be about things I’ve updated or additions to Forum (although there will be a bit) so much as it will be about pointing out some of the amazingly cool stuff the community have been up to over there. Things you might have missed if you haven’t visited us, such as the header image.

I also have a request of you. Yes you, the guy or gal that is reading this right now. In the comments, I want you to tell me what you think about the forums and whether you partake in them. Community feedback is very important to me and if it’s within my power to make the Forums more enticing, then I need to know how I can do that for you.

So without further ado let’s get this party started. 

Let’s get what changes I’ve done out of the way first. I made a change to the greentoid skin to bring it more in line with the standard look of the Forums. It now has a proper header with banner image along with all the links and tabs. It still retains the overall color scheme that people like about it. Along with that, I’ve removed the UltraGreentoid skin. That skin was obsolete and was not being used enough to compensate for the time and upkeep it took to maintain it. I also made a small adjustment to the layout of the main skin. Nothing major, just some spacing issues. I’m currently working on getting some kind of solution to color coding threads. It’s proven useful to a lot of people but the code being used to do it wasn’t robust enough. It’s currently in its default state and I should be changing that as soon as I can find a solution that doesn’t make the Forum look like a clown threw up all over it.

So I said we were going to talk about the cool stuff that has happened in the Forums and here is what some of you might be missing.

The Bar thread has reached over 1 million views, making it the second thread to have reached over a million views (the first being The Pictures thread.) For those of you not familiar with The Bar thread, it’s the one stop shop for spur of the moment things to talk about. It has no official topic and it’s easily one of the fastest threads in the Forums. It’s a great thread that produces brilliance on a regular basis. However, it can be very intimidating if you are new to the Forums, so proceed with caution. The rest of the Forum moves at a much more reasonable pace.

I want to give a shout out to Poopface Morty. He recently hit over 10,000 posts in his long tenure in the Forums. You can catch his legendary celebration thread here.

ZombiePlatypus is another guy who needs a shout out. He did the art you see in the header there as well as some other choice pieces.

The Destructoid Family thread (where the header image is from) is an amazing thread where forum members have joined together to find the hidden family ties that bond the forum community and even a few staff members in an incestuous romp of fantasy and fiction. It’s a hilarious thread and some of the back stories are incredibly creative.

I also want to bring more attention to the Street Fighter IV tournaments that are going on in the Forums. Jesus H Christ wrote a great blog about the subject as well. I plan on participating in this once SSFIV comes out because it looks like it’s a ton of fun.

Our resident tech head, SchildConstruct, also made this great Troubleshooting thread with a ton of resources and help dealing with PC problems. It’s a great resource and I encourage you to check it out.

The Careers in the Game Industry thread is also a great resource for those of you looking for or offering advice about how to get a job in the game industry. It’s something I’ve pimped before and will continue to do because I know it’s relevant to most of your interests.

The Friday Night Fight Forum is the place to go to look for things to do on not just Friday nights. Not all of it is games either as I pointed out in my last post with the Over 9000 movie nights. I encourage you to check that Forum out if you are looking for people to play with. You should also be checking out the weekly Friday Night Fight posts by our own Jordan Devore.

That’s all we have for this month. As always, if you lurk, sign up and post. If you’ve never been, come check us out. You can reach me via private message in the Forums, or at I’m always open to answer any questions you have. See you guys next month!

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