And some tidbits on Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD’s development
RPG Site spoke with Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD producer Yoshinoro Kitase, who directed Final Fantasy X and other Square Enix staples, about the process behind remastering the well-loved title and the decision to include Final Fantasy X-2, which was apparently made “from day one,” despite the recent revelation.
What I’m more interested in, however, is Kitase’s response on remasters going forward: “We’ll have to wait and see if these remasters are going to be successful, first,” he explained. “If they do well, I think this will pave the way for more of the previous games to remade in an HD sort of quality. I mean, if we had to single out one of the vast number of Final Fantasy titles which we could make in HD, it would have to be Final Fantasy XII.”
I’ve been banking on the success and completion of Final Fantasy X HD to yield a remaster of what is quite possibly my favorite game in the series, Final Fantasy XII, so I’m ecstatic to see it’s first in line, in Kitase’s mind. I’ll do my part and buy five copies of Final Fantasy X HD. Is there a game in the franchise you’d (wrongly) rather see remastered first?
Published: Jun 18, 2013 03:15 pm