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Even though it took Nintendo six months to produce Wind Waker HD, Square Enix is still trucking with the remakes of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. Granted, both games are a little bigger than Wind Waker, but still fans have been waiting for quite some time to hear some sort of release date.
As of today, the Square Enix e-Store has been updated to dole out a date — December 26th, 2013. While both games will be shipped separately on the Vita, there is going to be a double-pack for the same price as the PS3 version, which gives you a nice option to buy either game if you aren’t a fan of one. Whenever an international date is given out, we can find out if they were worth waiting for!
Final Fantasy X | X-2 [Square Enix]
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Published: Oct 10, 2013 08:00 am