Realm Reborn Red is old news; I’m after the FFXIV whiskey now. In celebration of the MMO’s 10th anniversary, Square Enix is launching a new line of liquor as part of a collaboration event in Japan.
Thanks to @Aitaikimochi on Twitter, we’ve got a glimpse at the FFXIV whiskey labels and the starting cities they’re repping. Apparently, it comes in three variants with labels for Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul’dah from Nagahama Distillery.
How to get the FFXIV Whiskey

The Amahagan whiskey collection comes from the Japanese department store Isetan and is one of several items available in its anniversary collection, A Decade’s Journey. On September 28, both the Shinjuku location and its online store will sell goodies from its FFXIV anniversary event. Bottles cost $60 USD—easily five times the price of my usual wine.
For international buyers, you’ll have a harder time. Shipping alcohol between borders is a pain, and it looks like Isetan’s international shipping vendor doesn’t work in this case. However, you may still have better luck once the event begins with other collaboration goodies. I’m kind of eyeing the Warrior of Darkness shirt myself, and don’t laugh at my Mother Crystal earrings.

In 2021, the MMO launched its very own Reaper-themed wine shortly after Endwalker made its debut. I never got a hold of that one—too many unanswered logistical questions—but this time, I’m pinging friends overseas. How much money do you need, and will you judge me for wanting all three? Will I even drink them? I don’t know, but I need something after this year’s Rising event had me sobbing.
Published: Sep 1, 2023 12:59 pm