In the roster of annual events in Final Fantasy XIV, few come with such heartwarming stories as The Rising. Every year in August, director and producer Naoki Yoshida appears as an in-game character to express his thanks for continued support, along with a few inspirational words of encouragement.
The Rising celebrates the anniversary of FFXIV‘s rebirth as A Realm Reborn, after the end of Version 1.0. It’s a chance to not only share in the celebration of what will this year be the 11th anniversary of A Realm Reborn, but also to remember those who perished during the Seventh Umbral Calamity despite the efforts of Louisoix on the Carteneau Flats.
In 2024, FFXIV’s The Rising event runs from August 27 at 3 a.m. EST until September 11 at 11 p.m. EST, and you’ll be able to begin the event quest by talking to the Wandering Minstrel in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks. There aren’t many clues on the Lodestone yet about the contents of this year’s event quests, but the tagline is “Flowers bloom over the ocean, breathing the perfume of the past”.
Regardless of what the event entails, as always, there are some rewards up for grabs if you take part. This year, you’ll get the Brushed-up Krile minion for participating, which is utterly adorable and a rare glimpse of Krile without her almost surgically attached hood and her newly obtained Pictomancer weapon.
There’s also a secondary housing item, likely purchased for Gil from the event vendor. The Rising Table Lamp is a slightly bizarre choice and doesn’t quite scream ‘The Rising’ to me, but it probably won’t be too expensive and I’m sure my specified event items Retainer won’t mind holding on to it for me until I can find a use for it.