Far Cry 2 will run the same on console and PC … seamlessly?

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Yesterday, I led a war band of UK Destructoid members to Wembley Stadium for Play.com’s “Live” event. The day was an absolute flop, but an unannounced extra was at the show and proved to be a highlight — a walkthrough demo for Far Cry 2 with the team.

The demo, in which designer Peter Redding attempted to show us the game in action before the PC crashed (seriously, poor guys), showed off the 50 square kilometer game world. We know it was that big because he said 50 square kilometers more times than I’ve ever heard it said before. After we saw a very beautiful game world with some pretty cool gun play, they accidentally got themselves killed and we had an impromptu Q&A, where Redding dropped a rather interesting claim.

Apparently, the game will not be “better” on PC than on consoles, as Redding promises the games will be pretty much equal across the board. He also promised a near seamless experience, unlike Oblivion, which Redding said has a several times smaller game world than Far Cry 2‘s. 

Unfortunately, they shunted us out after their technical difficulties, but at least we go to record that rather heady boast. Far Cry 2 is said to be just as good on consoles as on PC, and the game world is almost seamless, save one concession where the world is split into a northern and southern area.

Ambitious goals? Unrealistic hopes? We will have to wait and see. What I can say, however, is that the game at least looks gorgeous on PC so far. The consoles have their work cut out for them.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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