Far Cry 2 sells a million in three weeks, proceeds not going to malaria research

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Today, Ubisoft announced Far Cry 2 has sold one million units in a mere three weeks since hitting retailers worldwide. This marks a monumental achievement and it deserves to be celebrated with candy, cake, confetti, and prostitutes. I wasn’t able to ask Ubisoft Montreal (the game’s developer) about a party or prostitutes, but it doesn’t stop me from saying it needs to happen.

In terms of Far Cry 2 deserving the landmark sales, I believe it does. When I played it for review I found it to be a great mix of action and exploration. It also has quite the multiplayer component, which is being overlooked right now because of other behemoth titles like Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet sporting larger or more interactive experiences.

What do you guys think about FarCry 2? If you didn’t get it quite yet, do you think you will at some point or will the rest of the holiday releases dominate your time and money?

About The Author
Brad BradNicholson
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