Fallout 4 Best starting stats for Stealth build

You’re SPECIAL: Stealth Edition

Stealth Mode in an abandoned diner in Fallout 4

The world after Fallout is one ripe full of dangerous things that want to kill you on sight. Being able to sneak around such things is valuable, so here are the best starting attributes to master the art of stealth.

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Best SPECIAL stats for Stealth Build in Fallout 4

There are many viable builds for playing through Fallout 4, but Stealth is one of the strongest, especially early on. This is because Stealth only requires a few stats to get going where as other builds require more investment in the Peak Tree. Here are the stats you should prioritize.


Agility is the most important stat for any Stealth-focused build in Fallout 4, as it is the stat that governs how well you can employ stealth as a mechanic. Every point Agility improves your inherent stealth ability, but it is also valuable to invest in due to the Perks associated.

Sneak, Mister Sandman, Ninja, Gunslinger, and Blitz are all high-quality picks for a stealth build. Prioritize Sneak and Ninja early on, and work on the others as you play through the game. I recommend investing seven to ten points into Agility regardless if you’re playing melee or ranged so you have access to these Perks and a strong stealth value, right from the beginning.


Perception is a highly valuable stat for any stealth build due to the wide volume of applicable Perks, and how they affect this gameplay style. Perception is the stat that most improves the V.A.T.S system, which is useful for sneaky kills while under pressure.

Consider taking the Pickpocket and Locksmith Perks early on, as they will allow you to access locations you normally wouldn’t be able to. Also, only take Rifleman if you’re planning to be a stealthy sniper. Either way, I recommend investing at least six points into Perception at the start.


Charisma allows you to talk your way out of fights before they start. This is great because you don’t have the physical bulk to endure a head-on encounter for long. As far as Perks go, there are a few options early on that are worth investing in, but know that significant investment in this stat is purely so you can win dialogue checks and prevent fights.

The Perks Cap Collector and Lady Killer/Black Widow are great to consider taking early on, as both provide you with bonuses that will always be useful throughout your playthrough. As such, I recommend investing somewhere between five to eight points in this stat.


Intelligence, as a stat, is not particularly useful to a stealth build. However, the stat offers one extremely useful Perk if you’re planning to run around with guns over melee. Gun Nut is a perk that allows you to craft weapon mods, which lets you craft Silencers. Having your weapon silenced is nothing but a plus for you.

I highly recommend investing three points into Intelligence at the start of the game so you grab Gun Nut early on. You can also use your first few level-ups to invest the points if you really don’t want to use your initial ones on Intelligence right at the beginning.


About The Author
Darrus Myles
Darrus, a seasoned guide writer and indie developer with nearly a decade under his belt, plunges into the gaming realm like a knight charging into battle (albeit with a trusty keyboard instead of a sword). With RPGs as his domain, he fearlessly slays industry challenges, turning every obstacle into XP for his quest to game domination.
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