Fake Mega Man 2 HD welcomes you to the World of Tomorrow

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YouTuber rickonami has conceptualized high-definition versions of several old-school videogames such as Castlevania: Bloodlines and Contra, then he posted some fake teasers. These are fun experiments meant to tantalize us and stoke our HD remake desires.

His latest video is a recreation of the Mega Man 2 intro. The sprites of Mega Man and Dr. Wily are pulled directly from Mega Man 7, but everything else has been made from scratch. It’s all very Neo Tokyo-ish. Too much, perhaps. The prologue text still claims this to be the year 200X, i.e. no later than 2009, but looking at all those hovercars, I half expect Korben Dallas to come screaming by in his flying taxi.


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Tony Ponce
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