Splinter Cell: Conviction‘s co-op mode is going to support split-screen on top of the already-confirmed online play. Why is this important? While co-op may have resurfaced as the hot new thing to include in videogames these past few years, many times these modes skimp out on providing an offline alternative.
The news was dished out on Facebook of all places, where the screenshot above was put on full display. Yep, that’s what split-screen looks like all right. With Conviction‘s co-op sounding as significant as it does, this should be very good news for you lucky people with nearby gaming friends.
Allow me to throw down another fact, if you will. Followers of the Chet Meme thread in the forums, take note: legend tells that Brad Nicholson does not do stealth. Rather, he gains the attention of all nearby evildoers by firing his gun into the air, runs into the open, and proceeds to kill them all.
Don’t believe it? This same tactic is used in online games too. Get Brad Nicholson to play Conviction with you — split-screen or online, it doesn’t matter — and watch in a combination of horror and awe as he annihilates everything.
Splinter Cell: Conviction also gets split-screen co-op [Joystiq]