Expansion announced for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

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At the Tokyo PlayStation Premier event in Tokyo, Konami unveiled what seems to be an expansion pack for PSP’s Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. It’ll offer new playable characters, new multiplayer stages and game modes, and a new single-player mode called Infinity Mission. No other details seem forthcoming yet on the official site, nor is it clear exactly how it’ll work, but WHO CARES!! METAL GEAR!!!!!!

Dig the trailer. Looks like– let’s call him “mature” Solid Snake is on board. Is the FoxDie virus sexually communicable? ‘Cause I’d still so do him. 

About The Author
Leigh Alexander
I'm a game writer, which means I spend all day in a bacchanal of fabulous nerdiness. My fave games are Ys I & II, Phantasy Star 2 (!!) old Sonic (not the emo RPG crap), anything on Turbo Grafx, Zelda, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame (pretty much all survival-horror), most Final Fantasy, Shadow Hearts, RPGs that don't suck (are there any?) and for my gentle side, I like me some Katamari and Harvest Moon. Hearts for Destructoid!
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