All three FighterZ Passes
Dragon Ball FighterZ has a ton of DLC, but thankfully there are only three DLC/season passes (called FighterZ Passes) to sift through. Here’s a full breakdown of every character released to date as a result of DLC campaigns.

Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Pass 1
The very first FighterZ pass was released on January 26, 2018, and consists of eight characters. In addition to the roster additions, you’ll also get stamps, alt colors, and lobby avatars for all of the included fighters.
• Bardock
• Broly
• Zamasu (Fused)
• Vegito (SSGSS)
• Goku
• Vegeta
• Android 17
• Cooler

Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Pass 2
The second FighterZ pass came out on January 31, 2019, roughly a year after the first. It contains six characters, as well as stamps, alt colors, and lobby avatars for each character.
• Jiren
• Videl
• Goku (GT)
• Janemba
• Gogeta (SSGSS)
• Broly (DBS)

Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Pass 3
FighterZ Pass 3 is the latest DLC pack for the game, which was released on February 25, 2020. This pack has five characters and extended the life of the game significantly beyond its 2018 debut.
• Kefla
• Goku (Ultra Instinct)
• Master Roshi
• Super Baby 2
• Gogeta (SS4)
Will there be a FighterZ Pass 4?
As of 2023, no FighterZ Pass 4 plans have been announced. We’ll be sure and update this article if that changes.
The perfect opportunity to announce a fourth FighterZ Pass would have been EVO 2020, but given the situation that the world found itself in at that time, it’s understandable that there was radio silence. That said, Android 21 (Lab Coat) was released in February of 2022 as an additional one-off character with a new outfit and moveset.
Published: Jul 12, 2023 09:10 am