I know relatively little about EVE Online and to be honest we don’t cover it that much at Destructoid. However, the game has been around forever, they’re at almost every gaming convention I’ve ever been to and if you go to gaming sites you’ve probably seen and ad for them in the sidebar. From these three facts I’ve deduced that some people might be interested to know that EVE Online‘s latest expansion “Tyrannis” has been delayed until May 26. On top of this, the market seeding of Planetary Command Centers as been pushed back to June 8.
The expansion is going to allow people to land on planets and harvest stuff from them. It’s much more exciting than I make it sound. The guys behind EVE say that the delay was made to give the dev team a bit more polish time and to allow players to have a period of time to study the new gameplay, scan planets for resources, train skills needed for structures and make plans for which planets they want to land on and start doing stuff on.
I’m sure that that made sense to someone and for them this is very disappointing news.