ESRB and PTA superhero team up yeah!

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After providing several irritating and confusing annoyances to the gaming community in the last few weeks, the ESRB has followed up with an announcement that I actually … agree with. In a recent press release, the ESRB and PTA have declared their “shared commitment to educating parents about videogames,” something that most definitely needs to be done if we’re to move away from the ridiculous hysteria that surrounds children and gaming in these supposedly enlightened times.

The ESRB will be sending out over 1.3 million brochures to PTA groups across America in a bid to teach the idiot populus what their ratings mean so that in future, parents will know what games are suitable for little Billy Twatsticks. Of course, this won’t stop parents ignoring the ratings and buying Billy that copy of Grand Theft Auto anyway, but this is a definite move in the right direction. Open communication, education and understanding are all keys to making sure that reactionary parents know what they’re getting into when they let their children play games. 

[Via Firing Squad]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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