Electronic Arts: 3DS will ‘sell like hotcakes’

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If there’s one thing I love about the 3DS, it’s the giddy excitement that it seems to inspire from jaded writers and world-weary developers alike. Electronic Arts is the latest to radiate the hyperactive glee of a small child with a new toy, with COO John Schappert calling it magical. 

“The 3DS is just incredibly cool. The 3DS is magical. You put that in your hand, you look down, and all of a sudden it’s in 3D without glasses. That’s an amazing experience. I’m a huge fan,” he beams. 

“I think that device is going to sell like hot cakes. I think it’s going to do incredibly well, and in typical Nintendo fashion they have re-energized the industry, yet again. I give them nothing but credit and we are excited to be supporting that platform with Madden, FIFA, and The Sims that we announced.”

Yep, that’s pretty much the reaction we’ve come to expect. 

I have never been as excited for a handheld as much as I have for the 3DS. If this thing doesn’t fly off store shelves, I’ll shove one up my arse. 

Nintendo’s 3DS is ‘Magical’ and Will ‘Sell Like Hotcakes,’ says EA [Industry Gamers]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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