EDP Casting looking for Punch-Out! lookalikes

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According to a recent article from Joystiq Nintendo, if you’ve always found you look mysteriously like a Punch-Out! character you may be in luck if you live in the New York area. A Craigslist ad has been posted in New York for Punch-Out! lookalikes. It may be too much to hope for, but I know Chad Concelmo and myself would be thrilled to see Punch-Out! The Musical.

Here’s what the ad says:

EDP Casting is currently looking for Real People to portray characters from the classic video game “PUNCH-OUT!!” Please respond to EDPcasting@yahoo.com with a recent photo and best contact phone number. We will be setting up auditions over the next few days.

We are casting the following characters:

PISTON HONDA – Asian guy, preferably Japanese, late twenties to mid thirties. In good physical shape. In your submission please list your ethnicity, i.e. Chinese, Korean, etc. and please state if you have any martial arts or kick boxing experience.

KING HIPPO – Heavy set, bald, Polynesian, Samoan, Pacific Islander or Caucasian guy. 30 to mid forties

 I’d like to nominate our own Hamza Aziz for the task, who, as you can see from the photo above, would be a shoo-in for the role of Piston Honda if he’d stop all that silly smiling. I’m not the first person to think of this idea, either. I know he’s not Japanese, but look at him!

[Update — the listing has just been removed from Craigslist — perhaps the task was too daunting to take on after all?]

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Colette Bennett
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