Literary bookworms who are offended by the fact that just one sacrilege against The Divine Comedy exists will be horrified to learn that a second one might happen in the future. Electronic Arts has expressed interest in doing a Dante’s Inferno sequel, with producer Johnathan Knight hoping to “earn” the right to a follow-up.
“That is a problem I hope to have to solve by earning the right to do a follow up,” says Knight when asked about the possibility of games based on the other parts of Dante Alighieri’s epic poem, Purgatorio and Paradiso. “This [completing development on Dante’s Inferno] is just totally what our focus is and then we’re gonna [finish] around the holidays and then everybody’s gonna take a long break and we’re gonna see if people respond well to it in February — which I think they will.”
Knight added that if Inferno does indeed do well, EA will definitely want a sequel: “That’s a problem I’d like to have and if we’re lucky enough to solve it, we’ll go about solving it.”
The idea of creating a sequel based on Dante’s Inferno seems ludicrous, but considering the first game is already taking such huge liberties, it shouldn’t be a big deal to drum something up. People who just care about gameplay won’t really give a stuff where the source material comes from — if you’re a book-friendly student who can’t abide poetic license, however, you’re likely destined to get even angrier.