Take a quick breather from the hustling and bustling of E3 2010 with a gracious $20 off coupon for Bizarre Creation’s Blur. It’s the “grown-up Mario Kart” one, not the “everything explodes and the AI drivers are thieving b*stards” one.
Here’s the dedicated site for the promotional offer. You have to install some sketchy coupon software to print it, apparently, so fair warning. I know I declared “E3 BREAK!” and all, but seriously, I’m a little bit afraid to purchase any new games right now with so much new gaming tech on the way.
Said tech requires money to be saved up, which is why I won’t be buying Blur (or anything, for a while) and haven’t attempted to get the coupon. The program, in theory, probably won’t cause your computer to explode. Probably.