E3 2010… here we come!

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If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you may know that I’m making my home in Los Angeles this week for a weeklong Pre-E3 Game Critics event, as one of the judges for the show. The grueling five day marathon of meetings with the industry’s top publishers is a sneak peek at some of the hottest games that will appear at this year’s E3, which takes place from June 15 through 17.

I’ve asked Dale North to come along for the ride, as tackling upwards of 50 games on my own would be an insurmountable task. We’ve seen [embargoed until June 15] and gotten hands on time with [embargoed until June 15]. We’ll even be getting an early first look at [embargoed until June 15]’s hotly-anticipated [embargoed until June 15]!

Okay, so we can’t tell you anything just yet. (I know, we’re jerks.) But know this: We’re gearing up to hit E3 heavy this year, and by all accounts, it’s going to be a huge show. We’ll even have some mind-blowing preview coverage coming your way in the week’s leading up to the event.  Until then, here’s a handful of E3 news and rumors and a few images from last year’s event. 

What are you looking forward to? What can’t we missed? What are you expecting out this year’s E3?


About The Author
Nick Chester
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