E3 2007: Destructoid rocks Rock Band

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When it comes to starting a party, Destructoid doesn’t mess around. Before we entered the Electronic Arts’ suite in Le Merigot hotel in Santa Monica, it was a relatively tame affair. Sure, it was dark and slightly noisy, which is the foundation for any great party. There were also plenty of high action titles to play — Army of Two, Medal of Honor: Airborne, skate, Boogie … well, maybe not, but you get where I’m going with this.

Still, considering that the corner of the room was being dominated by Rock Band, it was surprisingly quiet for what should have been a cocaine and alcohol fueled rager. This was unacceptable to team Dtoid, so after a completely metal interpretation of Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid,” we had the crowd ready to tear apart the Need for Speed ProStreet booth and burn the Le Merigot to the ground.

Bonus points (read: we’ll give you nothing) for anyone who can name the videogame director playing guitar in the above picture (hint: “Athena! You will suffer for this!”).


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Nick Chester
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