Not awesome because this game looks cool mind you, awesome because this guy is really freaking excited to talk about it. As the last of Destructoids E3 coverage rolls in (that show was like sooo July 13th…), this is a fitting way to demonstrate the impact that event has on the mind, body, and soul, and that too much Red Bull does have side effects.
This guy could flip out at any minute and just start eating people. I don’t think my eyes could stay that wide even if I had just walked in on a real life Power Ranger playing Wii Sports in my living room while the ghost of my great-grandmother rolled a doobie on the couch. Seriously, watch this video without the sound on. I dare you.
Imagine the sleep this guy had when he finally made it back to Crazy Land or wherever he came from. That must have been the best sleep anyone has ever had, ever. You know what, I’m going to play this guys game just because he is such a trooper, and I hope whenever he wakes up he knows that he has +1 fan in Destructoid.