E3 10: Zombie mode with Bomberman Live: Battlefest

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Destructoid has a good relationship with Hudson. Afterall, Mr. Destructoid himself showed up in Hudson’s Bomberman Live, an exclusive experience that makes us all proud. However, Mr. Destructoid or not, Bomberman has proven itself to be a fantastic game, and with online play, it’s a great way to blow through at a party or to kill some time with friends.

Luckily, I had a chance to check out the latest downloadable offering in the Bomberman franchise: Bomberman Live: Battlefest. While my time with it was short, I was shown a new multiplayer mode people long comfortable with the series might find interesting. It was Zombie mode, which evoking images of the undead, is far from that. Instead of dying once then being out for the match, players will respawn and keep going. However, what happens with the flame trails is that the bottom of the floor will change to your color, and this is how players are scored. If you die, your tiles that you had tagged are made neutral, and you have to re-tag them. It’s fun, but I personally don’t think that it is going to eliminate any of the standard Bomberman modes we’ve grown up with. Other small details include Avatar support for the 360 version, and customizable Bombermen for those who fancy. Keep an eye out for it whrn it launches later this year for PSN, Xbox 360, and Wiiware.

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Ben Perlee
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