Something amazing happened at E3 this year. Through a combination of deceit, determination, and pure luck, I managed to capture on video an amazing series of events; a daisy chain of game developers playing each others stuff, all for the first time.
It started with a chance encounter with members of Skip Ltd (creators of the Chibi Robo games and the Art Style series) as they were checking out Gaijin games‘ new title, Bit.Trip Core. From there, I personally escorted the Gaijin games team up to the WayFoward office space for an exclusive play test of A Boy and his Blob. After that, I checked in with WayForward’s Sean Velasco as he tried out The Conduit‘s multi-player for the first time in his life. Then I tried to get someone from High Voltage to play Art Style: PiCTOBiTS in order to complete the circuit, but they were all too busy. Crap, and that would have been a perfect ending too.
To see a game developer try out the competition’s new game, especially when the game in question is totally different than their own (and trust me, they don’t get any more different than Bit.Trip Core, A Boy and his Blob and The Conduit) is a sociological event like no other. Next year I hope to organize something like this again, but on a much grander scale. Just imagine playing the new Gears game with Luc Bernard, then watching Cliffy B play the new Zelda, then asking Miyamoto to play the new Metal Gear with you, and finally witnessing Kojima’s uncensored first time with Eternity’s Child Too. I know it’ll never happen, but that’s not going to stop me from trying; and trying is half the battle.
Anyway, hit the jump for the video. It’s a hoot.
E3 09: PS3/360 video recap part one (with PSP bonus levels)
Published: Jun 12, 2009 02:40 pm