E3 08: Teaser trailer for I Am Alive Posted 16 July 2008 by Chad Concelmo Recommended VideosUbisoft had a surprise for the audience at the very end of its press conference earlier today. Right before the lights came up, a teaser trailer for the mysterious I Am Alive started playing. As you can see, this teaser explains absolutely nothing about what the game is about or how it is played. I guess that is why they call it a teaser. Still, the audience at the press conference seemed to get excited. Maybe they were all really thirsty and wanted Adam’s bottle of water just like the hooligans in the trailer. Who knows?! One thing I do know: I can’t formulate any opinion on the game based on this video alone. It’s just way too cryptic. What do you think? Is this enough to get you excited in the least for I Am Alive? About The Author Chad Concelmo More Stories by Chad Concelmo Filed under... #E3#Ubisoft