To cap off a looming wave of mediocre game announcements, Nintendo concluded their press conference this morning with another Wii title that was, well, mediocre. Introduced in a disorienting array of strobe lights and smoke, Nintendo announced their upcoming game WiiMusic with a drummer using both the Wiimote, the nunchuk, as well as the WiiFit balance board to play a full drum set on stage. This less than mellifluous act was thankfully followed by a playful Shigeru Miyamoto, who tooted away at his Wiimote across the stage while his Mii emulated his actions on a saxophone. You can imagine the kind of musical racket that was to be expected from that point on.
WiiMusic is intended to be played by anyone, musicians and non-musicans alike. With a set of over 50 different instruments, including instruments like the violin, guitar, taiko drum, and even cowbell, the user simply moves the wii controls in the manner applicable to the instrument to make the pre-assigned music play. Players will also have the option to play various mini-games with the instruments, but if you don’t want to be the only one alone playing your invisible tuba, you can join forces to play songs together as one big happy band. This was aptly demonstrated through Miyamoto and gang’s painfully choppy rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme as shown above.
I’ll admit, initially when I saw the virtual drumming onstage, I thought ‘Are you serious? Yet another attempt to beat Rock Band?’ Although it’s clear that WiiMusic is looking to be a different kind of game altogether, it may not be enough to entertain anyone for more than a few minutes. Sure, it might be a step up from Beamz technology, but it sure doesn’t seem to be any more compelling.