Dual pistols coming to Killing Floor 2

Demo skill tree detailed, too

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If you’ve missed dual-wielding in Killing Floor 2, I’ve got good news for you. When the Incinerate N’ Detonate content update comes out, you’ll be able to buy dual 9mm pistols just like in the first game. Instead of just holding up your guns a little higher when you zoom, you’ll use the iron sights on the gun in your right hand. That makes a little more sense, I guess.

Tripwire Interactive’s most recent update post also details how the Demo’s perk skills will work. They can rig doors to blow once they’re breached, use dynamite that explodes on contact, deal radiation damage during ZED time, and all sorts of other fun stuff. 

If you go to the link above, you can see a graph that shows how much work Tripwire has left before the update is released. Each member of the team has under five days left. After that, they send it to QA. I’m not sure how long QA will take, but it looks like the update will be released by month’s end. Don’t quote me on this!

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Zack Furniss
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