No Apparent Reason Parties — NARPs for short — are a long standing tradition here at Destructoid. NARPs are parties hosted by Dtoiders for Dtoiders and everyone is welcome to attend a party. It’s about playing games and interacting with other people all in the name of having a good time.
March is here, and its time for more NARPs! This month brings a couple of great gaming events that you can meetup with your fellow dtoiders, as well as some new groups! Recently, the community has started up Dtoid Mexico as well as starting a resurgence of activity with Dtoid Florida! So if you are in these areas, make sure to check out the blogs and get involved!
Read on to see what NARPs are happening in Australia, Chicago, San Francisco and elsewhere!
Who: Dtoid New York – Powerglove and Dtoid Midwest – Jon Bloodspray
What: PAX EAST (also, DtoidMidwest’s post)
When: Mar 11-13
Holy crap its time for PAX East! As you may know, PAX is sort of like a “coming home” for the Destructoid community. Dtoid New York and Dtoid Midwest members both have plans to head out there. Destructoid usually has a great presence at PAX conventions, and we’d love to meet up with you!
If you are going to PAX East, make sure to check the Google group for all the plans that will be going on!
Who: Dtoid San Francisco – Tactix
What: Anime Night, North Beach Carnevale, and Super Nerd Night
When: Mar 7 and 8
DtoidSF will be going to a new anime night at Rogue’s, organized by some of our own community members! On top of that, Carnevale in North Beach seems like a good thing to check out thats NVGR, but sounds like a blast.
Be sure to follow DtoidSF on Twitter and Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and others!
Who: Dtoid Chicago – AwesomeExMachina
What: Ultimate Gaming Blowout and C2E2
When: Mar 21 and 18
Dtoid Chicago will be going to Ignite Entertainment again, and they are making plans this month to head to Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo! Tickets are currently on sale and last year’s inaugural event proved to be a blast!
Check our the Google Group e-mailer for more info, and check out the Facebook and Twitter for other info!
And now…a list of other groups that might not have anything planned as of yet, but keep checking in. New events happen all the time!
Who: Dtoid Australia – FooLiz
Be sure to follow Dtoid Australia on Twitter and Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and much more!
Who: Dtoid Europe – Hollie Bennett, mistic
Please join our Dtoid Europe Google Group Emailer and to follow our blog: Dtoid Europe-Cblog, as well as our Facebook group!
Who: Dtoid Baltimore/DC – Hitogoroshi
Also, join the Baltimore/DC Google Group as well as a blog dedicated to gatherings!!
And now…a list of other groups that might not have anything planned as of yet, but keep checking in. New events happen all the time!
Who: Dtoid Austin – Sean Carey
Check out their google group for any upcoming events!
Who: Dtoid Los Angeles – Jonathan Ross
Be sure to follow Dtoid Los Angeles on Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and other things!
Who: Dtoid New England – Senisan
Be sure to follow Dtoid New England on their Google group, Youtube, and Flickr!!
Who: Dtoid Phoenix – Dexter345
Near Phoenix? Make sure to get involved in one of the newer city groups by checking out their Google Group!
Who: Dtoid Northwest – Kai, DJDuffy, King3vbo
Check out the Google group here for more info!
That’s all for this month! Make sure to check our our city group post from earlier this month for a list of a couple established community groups. More and more keep springing up, so if your area isn’t represented, and you’d be interested in heading a group, email me at
Hope to see you at a Dtoid event!