Dreamcast portable appears on the Ben Heck forums

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Portable Dreamcasts — those we’ve seen before. After all, just about every old system has been slammed into a portable case by now. Doing a beautiful job with it, however, is another thing, and this one created by benheck.com forum user hailrazer certainly looks the part with its lovely smooth casing.
What went into it, you ask? Looks as if it’s made up of a Lazer Doodle, a Quantam Controller, a Pico 120 watt Psu, 12v batteries and of course, a Dreamcast. If you would like to see the project in progress before it was completed, you can scroll down the thread in the benheck forums and see earlier pics. Of course, you have to have a hell of a battery to power it, but it’s not as if you’d tote it around with you everywhere anyway.
[Thanks, Adam]
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Colette Bennett
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