id Software brought a new trailer for Doom 3: BFG Edition with them to QuakeCon this year, and it shows off “The Lost Mission” that will be exclusive to the HD remaster. It’s not clear what exactly it’s about, but from the trailer it’s apparent that it’ll take place in Hell. I can’t wait to replay Doom 3 in all its HD glory. To this day, Doom 3 features one of the most scary/intense moments I can ever remember experiencing in a videogame.
It was at the part around a third of the way through the game where you run into a pitch-black room and there’s a bunch of walkways. In co-op, one guy had to have his flashlight out while the other killed all the demons spawning around them. So well done. Too bad Doom 3: BFG Edition will be adding “armor-mounted flashlights” so I can’t relieve that moment exactly like that again. Oh well, I’m just glad that console players will finally get a good version of Doom 3 this October, and one with a ton of added content.