[Done] Join me for 24 hours of video games in support of Extra Life

Helping kids get the help they need

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[Update: After 18 hours I finally tapped out at 4am ET after raising an amazing $419 dollars for charity with the help of your donations! Thank you all so much! Donations are being accepted through the end of the  year in case you missed out!]

It is that time of year again, when all your favorite gaming personalities get together to live stream for an entire day in support of Extra Life. For those of you not familiar with Extra Life, it is are a marathon gaming charity benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, which help sick and injured kids regardless of their families’ ability to pay. Pretty fantastic cause, if I do say so myself.

Yours truly will be taking the task on solo this year, starting today at 10:00 AM (ET) / 7:00 AM (PT) on the official Destructoid Twitch Channel and hopefully ending 24 hours thereafter. So go donate to help us meet our goal, and more importantly, do it for the kids.

So without further ado, the (current) list of games I’ll potentially be streaming:

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition
Halo 5
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Mario Kart 8
Rocket League
Super Mario Maker
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS / Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
The Jackbox Party Pack 
The Jackbox Party Pack 2
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide 
Yo-Kai Watch 

I gladly welcome viewers to join me in any of the listed multiplayer games, as long as you don’t mind getting destroyed at everything except for Mario Kart 8 and Rocket League, two games I enjoy but suck at. If any game devs or publishers would like their games added to the list, or want to throw some keys my way to give out to viewers, feel free to shoot me an email or message me on Twitter

It is going to be one hell of a stream!

About The Author
Jed Whitaker
More Stories by Jed Whitaker