Back in September 2023, Netflix announced that the beloved Capcom game franchise Devil May Cry is getting a new animated adaptation. During Geeked Week 2024, Netflix followed up with an exciting reveal: the animated series is set to premiere in April 2025.
Alongside this announcement, a brand-new teaser trailer was released, giving fans a first look at some of the show’s action-packed sequences.
Produced by Netflix, the series promises to offer a fresh take on the iconic action-adventure game. Animation is being handled by Studio Mir, renowned for its stellar work on projects like The Legend of Korra and Dota: Dragon’s Blood.
The story will center on Devil May Cry’s iconic characters, including Dante, Vergil, and Lady. According to Anime News Network, the first season will consist of eight episodes, which should set the stage for what is expected to be a multi-season saga. Furthermore, Netflix confirmed that Johnny Yong Vosch, who voiced Nero in Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5, will be taking on the role of Dante in this adaptation.
This is also not the first time Devil May Cry has been adapted for the screen. In 2007, Madhouse produced a 12-episode anime series based on the game. Released on home video by ADV Films and later Funimation, the anime gained a following and was made available on streaming platforms like Crunchyroll in 2017.