Destructoid Ventrilo Server!

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Remember our Dtoid Chat program? Well that’s more out of style than Atari – Dtoid Ventrilo Server is all the rage now. What’s Ventrilo? A voice chat service online that’s simple to use – Destructoid now has its own server, with subrooms for gamers of every console, WOW guilds, anime discussion, and our favorite: Dtoid social lounge.

All you have to do is download Ventrilo (free), install it, and use the following info to log into the Dtoid Ventrilo Server with the rest of us. There’s at least a dozen of us on any random night, so hop on and have fun. Make sure you sign up for our forums and say hello first though so we know who we’re talking to. Below is the server login info – enjoy!

Port: 3790
Password: None 

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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