Destructoid Network: This week’s finest

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Happy Easter y’all! As we celebrate the Easter Bunny coming to deliver odd-colored eggs and such (Jesus who?), let’s take a look at the top stories in the Destructoid Network this week.

Destructoid Top Five:

GH2 360 axes not quite golden? (See what I did there? It’s topical!)
Resident Evil Wii sites launch, video preview, and play control revealed
Summa takes on Coin-Op TV: The Internets will never be the same now
Destructoid interview: A mind behind Savage 2
Activision sends Piano Hero fella cease and decist; denies plans of Lawyer Hero 

Japanator Top Five:

TOP TEN: God Len’s top ten list of characters that can take on Xerxes’ army from the movie 300 by themselves!
Podtoid-san 7: We can predict the future
ZB’s A-Z of J-Music: “A”
“Buttsecks Ed” not on the curriculum…yet
Anime Idol is finally here!  

NextLust Top Five:

Who’s down on the 411? Google’s down on the 411
Free push email for you, you and yes even you!
Finally, a fresh perspective on the world of tech … from Ron Jeremy
The power of What’s Next compels you
Apple one step closer to making Judgement Day a reality: 8-core Xenon Mac Pro unveiled

About The Author
Robert Summa
More Stories by Robert Summa