Destructoid Network: This week’s finest

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Yeah, this feature has been away for a bit because frankly, so have most of us. We’re just now starting to let our bodies recover from the massive amount of bad hotel food and alcohol damage that has destroyed our bodies forever. But, in happy news, the Destructoid Network week in review is back! By the way, because it seems my NextLust writers all went on extended vacations for an extended time, I’m going to need to restock the pond. If you want to write for NextLust and can write good and often (stress the “often” part), then shoot me over an e-mail saying as much (

Destructoid Top Five:

Nerdcore #6: Guns, guitars & girls oh my!
Who’s scrapping their old 360 for the new, big, bad, black not-so-rumored one?
Summa vs. The Loop: Version 3.0 … the video
Devil May Cry 4 set to “explode” all over your Xbox 360, PS3, and PC
PS3 launch fails across the pond; Where is your Phil Harrison now?

Japanator Top Five:

One weeks worth of art in six minutes
Want to know what’s coming out this season?
Wednesday Artist Spotlight: Aya Kamiki
Next Miyazaki/Ghibli Joint Set To Drop In Oh Eight
TOP TEN: God Len’s top ten list of greatest hissatsu!

NextLust Top Five:

YouTube’s domination to be tested by AOL, NBC, Fox, Yahoo, and MSN mega-video site
Automating your life with a bizarre sounding robot
Belgium to use cell phones as credit cards
Velocity Micro to release 1st CableCARD-ready Media Center PCs
She’s got more cushion for the pushin, I mean talkin

About The Author
Robert Summa
More Stories by Robert Summa