Destructoid Network: This week’s finest 06/03/07

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Congratulations are in order to papa Workman for now holding the record for most comments on a story ever. Of course, no one will ever be able to defeat my most viewed story of all time. Oh boobies, how I love thee.  

Of special note this week, Japanator released a new podcast called Spoiler-san. This podcast was concocted by John Martone and specializes in spoiling the plots and what not in your favorite animes. Be sure to check out NextLust as well for the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates video discussion. The sexual tension between the two is very erotic!  

So, what were your favorite stories of the week Dtoiders? 

Destructoid’s Top 5:

Japanator’s Top 5:

NextLust’s Top 5:

[Thanks Snaileb for the image! P.S. I’m looking to use some kind of image relating to Destructoid or you, the community in this post every week. So if you got something, send it to me. It has to be good though. Like Electro Lemon good.] 


About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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