Good afternoon, denizens of Destructoid! ‘Tis afternoon o’clock on a lovely Saturday afternoon, and that can mean only one thing – last night’s episode of your favorite internet online video game show had technical difficulties. Fear not though, for all has been fixed and calibrated for your viewing pleasure.
On yesterday’s episode, Max regales the viewers with some L.A. Noire talk, while I mourn the loss of the Guitar Hero franchise. I also chat about the upcoming remake of Cave Story for 3DS and Spyro’s cute toys, while Max tells us who will be composing the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack. Oh yeah, and we also talk a little bit about Zelda and Halo 5 (what?).
Yesterday’s episode also features a special guest: my mother. Be afraid, Dtoiders. Be very afraid.
Published: Feb 12, 2011 02:00 pm