Destructoid: Dark Souls, Fox News, Squidbear, and Hudson

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Good morrow, Toidlings. I come before you with the fiftieth fabulous foray into foul and frivolous feculence. In other words, this is The Destructoid Show Episode 50. (Please ignore the fact that I’ve only been on it for 5 weeks.)

This time around, we talk about the demise of Hudson Entertainment, Bulletstorm‘s contribution to the recent rape epidemic, and badass handicapped gamers. After that, I tell you what playing the 3DS is really like, and it’s all downhill from there with Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, and Kevin Butler trolls

In other news, Max Roahrig from Flixist (that’s our sister movie site) was in the studio today filming us being ridiculous for a behind-the-scenes video about the show. Also, a lightbulb exploded for no reason and cake (question mark?)

Spoiler Alert: I was out doing scientific alcohol research last night with Dr. Hamza, so I look a little more Charlie Sheenish than usual. Our experiments led us to the conclusion of “don’t drink anything blue.”

About The Author
Max Scoville
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