Destructoid Community Trivia – Pilot Episode!

Trivia time!

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[In what I hope will be the first of a new community feature, Taterchimp set up his very own trivia show! How much random useless video game knowledge do our fair Dtoiders possess? Only one way to find out! If you want to contribute with technical know-how, impossible questions or as a potential contestant, be sure to hit up our lovely host.~ Shade]

Hello everyone! Today I am happy to announce what I hope is the start of something beautiful: The Destructoid Community Trivia Podcast! For the very first episode, I was joined by GajKnight and ShadeOfLight to do some trivia battle! The questions were fierce, but sometimes the rain was even fiercer!

The rules are posted below, but if you want to head straight to the action:

You can find the first epsiode here.

The show consists of three main rounds, and one bonus round for the winner.

Round 1: Game Sharks

Player 1 will be asked a question, which has a numerical answer. The question is designed to be something that anyone could take a guess at, yet almost impossible to get exactly right. For example: “How many coins are in World 1-1?” Player 2 then has to choose if Player 1’s answer was higher than the actual amount, or lower than the actual amount. If Player 2 is right, then they received 100 points. Otherwise, Player 1 gets 100 points. If Player 1 manages to get the answer exactly right, they will receive 300 points. Each player gets 3 rounds of selecting the value, and 3 round of guessing higher or lower.

In this episode: “How many Pokémon currently exist, not counting those revealed for Sun & Moon?”

Round 2: Buff the Listener

Player 1 will be asked an open question. They can submit an answer to the question immediately for extra points, or choose to make it multiple choice. If Player 1 answers, Player 2 is forced to take the multiple choice. Otherwise, Player 2 can make the same choice: answer the question out of hand for extra points, or select from multiple choice. A correct answer provides 400 points, a multiple choice answer gives only 200. Each player gets 3 questions for which they get the first call.

These questions can range from specific game trivia to industry facts. These questions are designed to have a difficult exact answer, but the multiple choice allows for some lucky guesses.

In this episode: “In EVE Online, how did player Ricdic make over $5000 in in-game currency?”


The final round contains the most specific trivia, with the least amount of player assistance. This round should separate the men from the boys. Players are asked a list based question, and alternate naming things that belong on that list until one player can no longer provide a correct answer.

So for example, a round could be ‘name the Koopa kids’. Player 1 provides an answer, then Player 2. As soon as one person cannot answer, or answers incorrectly, the other player may name up to two additional items from the list for bonus points. Play alternates between rounds. Each correct answer is worth 200 points.

In this episode: “Which items can you get from item boxes in Mario Kart 8?”

Prizes, Prizes, Prizes!

So what is the prize for all of this? I will award whoever wins a game of their choice under $10 on Steam.  Feeling generous? You can take your prize in the form of a $10 donation to a charity of your choice!

Bonus Round:  Test Your Might

Double or nothing! At the end of the game, the winning player can attempt to up their prize to a $20 Steam game or a $20 dollar charity donation! And because I’m not a dick to sick kids, you will never lose your donation. It may not double, but at least $10 is guaranteed.

Before electing to play, you may hear the category.  There will be one question, and you must answer it yourself – no multiple choice, no ask the audience. The question could be on anything and everything related to gaming. Kid Icarus’ famous cheat code? Master Chief’s voice actor?  The last boss in Final Fantasy VI, alphabetically? All fair game.

In this episode: Listen in to find out!

With the rules all laid out, it’s time to go to the episode proper, featuring GajKnight and ShadeOfLight:

You can find the first epsiode here

Without spoiling any results, the winner decided to play for charity today, and for once a certain Nintendo character did more good than harm! A donation of $20 was made to Charity: Water. Destructoid has some history with this charity. In fact, there is the well out there that was put together with money raised from a Destructoid charity drive some years ago. Charity:Water’s goal is to provide clean and safe drinking water to those who wouldn’t otherwise have it.

It’s an absolutely great cause, so please feel free to donate at their website

Now I do want to apologize for some audio issues. I’m still learning how to set up podcast kind of stuff (advice is appreciated!), so I didn’t capture everyone on their own track. Because of that, I appear louder than Gaj and Shade do. I think I got it into a much better state than the raw file, but I just wanted to say that I only expect the quality of the show to go up! In the mean time, I hope you’ll enjoy the show for what it already is.

Also, on the subject of the audio portion of the show, I want to (read: legally have to) thank for providing my intro and closing music.

I definitely had a blast recording this, so I am looking forward to do some more episodes. You can guess what that means: I need contestants! If you would like to join me for another episode, drop a comment, or send a PM. I use Skype to capture the audio, so I think that is the only requirement to participate. I suppose knowing anything about video games is a plus, as well! [You can also send an e-mail to the Dtoid community managers at community[at] or specifically to shade[at]]

I hope to see you next time at the Destructoid Trivia Show!

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