More information to be revealed at E3
A leaked image posted to reddit has revealed the poster for the as-of-yet unannounced Destiny DLC, Rise of Iron.
Those sneaky press people at Kotaku have verified with two sources close to Bungie the authenticity of the poster and say the expansion will feature a new raid and will be larger than the two year-one DLCs. Supposedly the raid for Rise of Iron is going to be based on the one cut from the House of Wolves DLC.
Makes sense given the wolves on the poster. Does this mean we can have pets now? Please? That might even get me to play the game again, though not as much as raid matchmaking. I’ve played through every Destiny DLC and completed exactly zero raids because I’m not going to bother trying to schedule multiple people to play a video game together. Sounds too much like a job.
Leaked Poster Reveals Destiny’s Next Expansion, Rise of Iron (Kotaku)